I’ve teased a few times about playing “Heroes of the Aturi Cluster,” a fan-made expansion for the X-Wing Miniatures Game from Fantasy Flight. Heroes is played with standard ships and play mats (but custom terrain) and supports up to six players. When we played through the first time, we found some of the missions got really crowded! It felt just like driving in rush hour traffic. 😆
We decided to start “Battlestar Pallas” a few months ago. This campaign uses the same framework as Heroes but features a serial story played out over three seasons. (Rebel pilots break out of jail and steal an Imperial Assault Carrier! How much fun is that!) The Pallas campaign only goes up to four players because that’s how many docking clamps the Gozanti offers. However, there are folks that feel the campaign scales quite nicely up beyond four, so we decided to jump in with everybody and give it a go.
It was rush-hour traffic on steroids. Continue reading “X-Wing Custom Play Mats”