Pandemic Legacy Season 1 I have owned Pandemic Legacy for a while now. I even went so far as to remove the shrink-wrap last year, thinking that we might start playing. Spoiler alert: We didn’t.
Yesterday, we finally pulled it out and actually played it. I thought I had read all of the Legacy tweaks, but I missed an important one. At the end of our first game (we won!) I read the top card of the legacy deck, where it said to place the reminder token on the third spot on the Infection Track. Oops. I quickly looked at the back of the card and realized there was no way to retrofit the requirements into our game, so we simply reset and started over. This time we did it correctly.
I won’t say what happened in case there are others reading this that – like me – want an unspoiled experience. Let’s just say that while we still won the game (and extremely fast, I might add) the new challenge is going to make life interesting as we move forward.
Atlantis Rising Second Edition I will freely admit that I buy games faster than I play them. I don’t think I’m unique in that regard. But sometimes it pays off. How? eBay. 🙂
I purchased a copy of Atlantis Rising Second Edition a while back when it became available. I picked up the custom play mat at the same time. (I think I have previously posted that I really like custom play mats.) A few months ago I read that they were running a Kickstarter campaign for an expansion (yay!) and they had rewritten the rule book to provide clarifications and updates (boo!). To the credit of the game company, they made the revised rule book available as a PDF but also as an add-on during their campaign so that’s all good.
In the meantime the current stock of the game has sold out, and people are still wanting to buy it. What does this mean? Rising prices in the aftermarket arena…specifically eBay. A few days ago I put my still in shrink copy of the game up on eBay, and I already have a bid. The current selling price is more than enough for me to pay for the new version with the expansion! By not opening the game I was able to sell it today, and get an upgraded game with an expansion (and corrected rule book) tomorrow.
Well, not tomorrow, but in later 2021 or early 2022. I don’t think I will have played all of my other un-played games by then, so I am okay with the delay.
As I type this, there are only 41 minutes remaining in the current Kickstarter campaign for Everdell. By the time you read this, the campaign will no doubt be closed. I own the Collector Edition of all of the prior Everdell games (where available). It would seem that this would be a slam-dunk for me to back, right? So far, I haven’t. I am hoping that writing out my thoughts here will clarify whether I am (or am not) going to back, and why. Continue reading “Forty-One Minutes To Go…”
Maybe the title of this post should have been, “Too Deluxe Or Not Too Deluxe?” 😀
I purchased two games recently. One cost close to $200 because I sprang for the super deluxe aka “Legendary Edition.” On the other I spent under $40, despite the existence of a $100 upgraded version. Why did I spend so much on one game and not on the other? It wasn’t because of budget. It was about consistency. Continue reading “To Deluxe Or Not To Deluxe, Is That A Question?”
I love a good hunt…finding a game at a resale store that is out of print or otherwise in demand can be a nice shopping rush. 🙂 This weekend I hit a couple of Half Price Books stores that I had not been to in a while, and managed to pick up a couple of fun surprises.
Hostage Negotiator The first game I found that struck my fancy was Hostage Negotiator, which I see gets a decent amount of love from the solo gamer community. I checked on Amazon and a new copy was running about $29. Half Price Books was asking $12.50 for the used copy so it felt like a good price. I picked it up.
Normally HPB tapes their boxes shut to prevent pieces from going missing. I don’t particularly like that because sometimes the tape tears the box when I remove it. Sometimes (if I have time) I will ask them to open the box in the store so I can inventory everything before I buy, but I don’t always do that. On this trip we had several different stops to make so I decided to just wait until I got home to do my inventory.
When I did open up the box after arriving home, I discovered that not only was the game complete and in great condition but it also included Abductor Pack #1, Abductor Pack #2, Abductor Pack #3, Abductor Pack #4 and the Negotiator Pack. Five mini expansions – each generally selling for around $8 on Amazon – all included in the base game box. My price? Only $12.50, and that was before my coupon. Score!
Mice & MysticsThe next game I found was one that I really like: Mice and Mystics. I already have a copy in my collection. Despite that, when I find a game that I know I really like (for a good price) I will often pick it up. Sometimes they end up as gifts to gamer friends, or they might end up as eBay inventory, or sometimes (I did this with Terraforming Mars) I use the second copy for additional parts, like dice or miniatures or something. Amazon has this game priced at $54 right now, and I picked it up for $30. Another surprise waited for me when I got home and opened it up though…once again I had purchased a game that had an expansion already inside the box. Heart of Glorm was included! Not only that, but the previous owner had taken the time to build a foam-core insert to hold the components of both games.
I like making my own foam core inserts; it’s one of many ways this hobby entertains me. I can also appreciate it when someone else makes one, and the person who owned this game previously did a really nice job putting it together.
There were a few other games I picked up on this trip (King’s Forge, Woodlands and Dragonwood) so it was a very productive hunt.
What about you? What’s your favorite / best bargain story from your shopping adventures?
Here we are at the end of the year, and here I am at the end of my BGG Top 100 Games checklist! I wrote a series of posts looking at the Board Game Geek (BGG) top 100 games, checking to see if I had the game in my collection and talking a little bit about each one. Today I finish that list, covering games 10 down to 1.
I have written a series of posts looking at the Board Game Geek (BGG) top 100 games, checking to see if I had the game in my collection and talking a little bit about each one, if I could. At the end of the first eighty games covered I owned 32 for a 40% ownership rate. I also have had four games that I formerly owned but had sold, so they didn’t get counted. Today I will cover games ranked from 20 up to 11.
I have written a series of posts looking at the Board Game Geek (BGG) top 100 games, checking to see if I had the game in my collection and talking a little bit about each one, if I could. At the end of the first seventy games covered I owned 27 for a 39% ownership rate. I also have had four games that I formerly owned but had sold, so they didn’t get counted. Today I will cover games ranked from 30 up to 21.
I have written a series of posts looking at the Board Game Geek (BGG) top 100 games, checking to see if I had the game in my collection and talking a little bit about each one, if I could. At the end of the first sixty games covered I owned 23 for a 38% ownership rate. I also had one game that I formerly owned but had sold, so it didn’t get counted. Today I will cover games ranked from 40 up to 31.
I have written a series of posts looking at the Board Game Geek (BGG) top 100 games, checking to see if I had the game in my collection and talking a little bit about each one, if I could. At the end of the first fifth games covered I owned 19 of them, for a 38% ownership rate. I also had one game that I formerly owned but had sold, so it didn’t get counted. Today I will cover games ranked from 50 up to 41.