Category: General
General posts that don’t fit into other categories
2023 20×5 Final! Bonus 12×1 Update
I completed my 20×5 for 2023! Woo! I actually finished it all up at the fall Board Game Geek convention, getting in my final plays of Petrichor as well as Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy. If you have never been to a BGG gaming event, it’s worth making the trip. Which, for me, is a short drive down I-35 so there’s that… Continue reading “2023 20×5 Final! Bonus 12×1 Update”
2023 20×5 Mid-Year Report
I have had an interesting time on my 20×5 for this year. I actually set two goals – a 20×5 and a 12×1. The 20×5 is something I have done and enjoyed the past two years. The 12×1 is designed to get one unplayed game to my table each month and see how that goes. So far, so good! Continue reading “2023 20×5 Mid-Year Report”
2022 20×5 Review
In 2021 I set up a 10×10 goal for board games. It was fun, but I didn’t actually complete the goal of playing 10 specific games 10 times over the year (made it to 72). I still had a successful gaming year (played 174 games, many of which were not on the 10×10) but I didn’t like the fact that I “failed.” In reviewing my gaming history for the year, I realized I had a lot of games I played 4-6 times. Hm. A 10×10 results in 100 games being played. A 20×5 also results in 100 games being played, but with more variety. I decided to try that for 2022. I thought I made the concept up. I didn’t. 🙂 There are plenty of different configurations that people use; a 10×10 just seems to be the most popular.
How did my 20×5 go for 2022? Fantastic! Not only did I finish, but I had my best gaming year ever since returning to the hobby. Continue reading “2022 20×5 Review”
2022 20×5 Progress Update
Last year I did a 10×10 for the second time. Both times I felt a bit let down at the end. The first reason was I never managed to complete the 10 games I committed to play 10 times. The second reason was I knew I was playing more than 100 games during the year, and just wasn’t getting credit. This year I fixed that. 🙂 Instead of a 10×10 I created a 20×5 goal sheet. I listed twenty different games with the goal of playing each of them at least five times. It has been so much better!
I think the main reason I have enjoyed it more is the variety. Instead of looking at my list and thinking, “oh, wow, I have to play that game again?” I can look at my list and pick from twenty different options. I was also able to involve some other folks in the process. Specifically, I asked my younger son if there was a game he would like to play with me this year and he selected Chess. So yes, we’ve played that at least five times this year.
It did not take me long to realize that a 20×5 suits me better. I will be doing the same strategy going forward.
What else made my 20×5 this year? I carried over some old favorites like Wingspan and Cascadia and Azul. I added some games I just purchased this year like Bumúntú, Fae and Chai. I finally got to learn and play Everdell and Quacks of Quedlinburg. At the current time I have 19 games on my list (the 20th is a “to be named later” slot) and have played almost all of them five times. Here’s the actual list and status.
- Azul played 6 times
- Wingspan played 6 times
- Cascadia played 11 times
- Quacks of Quedlinburg played 19 times
- Merchants of the Dark Road played 6 times
- Tekhenu played 8 times
- Village played 6 times
- Chess played 8 times
- Scythe played 4 times
- Fae played 9 times
- Stone Age played 6 times
- Everdell played 4 times
- Bumúntú played 6 times
- Tsuro of the Seas played 5 times
- Whistle Stop played 5 times
- Chai played 9 times
- Downfall of Pompeii played 7 times
- Under Falling Skies played 5 times
- Dwellings of Eldervale played 3 times
- To Be Named Later!
So that’s it, that’s how my gaming year has gone so far. How about you? Do you do a 10×10? Do you like the idea of a 20×5 or not? Let me know in the comments. 😎
BGG Spring 2022! My First Time!
This year for the first year ever I attended a formal BGG (Board Game Geek) event. I was able to snag one of the last tickets ($75 if you’re wondering) and got connected to someone with a hotel room for me to crash in for a few nights. What is BGG Spring?
Fun. Squared. Fun Squared Squared. In other words, a bunch of fun.
It’s basically an event where you can see some new games, shop at the exhibitor hall, but most importantly you can play games. New games, old games, complex games, simple games, it doesn’t matter. Board Game Geek provides a bunch of games from their library, or you can bring your own. (I did some of both.) During the four-day event I played a couple dozen games, some of which went for hours and hours.
I played Merchants of the Dark Road twice. Tekhenu and Everdell were two other games on my list that I wanted to play, and I managed to do both. I had three goals for the event: Play some games I knew (and could help teach), Play some games I own but haven’t played yet, and Play some games I have never heard of. I did all of that.
Games I knew (and taught) included Chai, Whistle Stop and Merchants of the Dark Road. Games I had in my library but had not played included Tekhenu and Everdell. I had hoped to learn one Lacerda game (he’s notorious for designing complex games) and I didn’t manage to do that. But I did play several games I picked up at the Virtual Flea Market including Crusaders and Fae.
Yes, the event cost me $75 (plus some hotel costs…I brought my own food). But as a door prize I got a copy of Zapotec and as a first-timer a bonus copy of Wingspan. The first is roughly a $35 at most online game stores, and the second is $45-ish so basically I paid for two games and got to use the game library and hotel facilities for free! Woo!
BGG has a fall event as well. It runs a few days longer, is a bit more expensive ($150), and takes place just before Thanksgiving. Since I normally reserve my vacation time for family at that time of year, I don’t think I will plan on going to the fall event. But I am already thinking about what games I might try to play next Spring.
2021 10×10 Results!
First, Happy New Year! Woo! 2021 is in the books. Here’s a look back at my gaming log for 2021 and plans for 2022.
For 2021 I set up my 10×10 with 9 specific games and one special row called “Pick It!” The extra row was designed to allow some flexibility in which games actually got played, while the other 9 games were (hopefully) going to be ones that I have either had for a while (and really enjoy playing) or have had for a while (and needed to get to the table). Ultimately I completed, officially, five of my ten rows. One, of course, was the Pick It! row, as you might imagine. 🙂
I played ten games of Defenders of the Realm last year. I completed this one playing a couple of games solo (lost both) and several games in person plus a couple over Zoom. Enjoyed them all. I still find this a fun game.
I played ten games of Carcassonne, mostly because that’s a shorter / quicker game that I can play in the evenings with my wife. I had put Calico on the list for the same reason but we only played that six times last year so we didn’t make the full row.
We did play ten games of Pandemic mostly because we picked 2021 to finally get around to playing Pandemic Legagy Season 1. I have already written several posts about that; all I will say here is that it was part of the best gaming for the year.
My “must get this game to the table” game for 2021 was Wingspan. It was all the “Hotness” a few years back, and I bought and sold several copies during the times that it was going in and out of print regularly. I finally opened my copy and got it to the table. I had a Game Weekend with a friend, and we played eight games in two days, and he went out and bought a copy for his own family to enjoy.
Those are the five games that I completed my 10x challenge. What else happened? As mentioned, we got in six plays of Calico. We added five games of Takenoko, six of Dead of Winter, a couple Red Dragon Inn and several Codenames. Overall I filled in 72 slots of my official 10×10 grid. Does that mean I failed?
I say, “No, not really.” In the margins of my sheet I wrote down all of the other games that I played for the year, and how many times I played them. The goal of a 10×10 is to get some games to the table. While I was 28 short of fulfilling that goal with the limited ten games I listed, I added 62 additional games to my “played in 2021” list. It included four games of chess and 14 games of Quarto with my younger son. I met a new group of gamers who meet on Wednesday evenings in downtown Carrollton. With that group I played Stone Age and Deep Vents (both of which I had played before) as well as Colosseum (an older OOP Days of Wonder game), Village (a worker placement / resource management game where your meeples have to eventually die to win the game), and Merlin, recently released as a “big box” edition from Queen Games. Our regular gaming family played a couple of games of Red November with us. And much to my surprise, I managed to get one new game from 2020 to the table almost immediately and played two sessions of Lost Ruins of Arnak.
So, for the year 2021 I played (or at least logged) 134 games. As I am writing this I remember we played some games during a summer camp (Zombie Dice and Travel Qwirkle and Hive) that didn’t make it to my game log notes. That means I won! Woo!
For 2022 instead of a 10×10 I have opted to set up a 20×5. For the past two years I have noticed that it’s harder for me to get one game played ten times than it is to get multiple games played. A 20×5 is now twenty games I plan to play at least five times, which seems to fit my game playing patterns better. And yes, some of those 20×5 games will be “Pick It!” as before.
What are some of my tentative plans for 2022? Well, Nemesis is coming in. I picked up a used copy of Spirits of the Wild and it has been a fun evening game to play with my wife. I forgot how much I enjoyed Stone Age until it came up with my Wednesday night group; I hope to play it some more. And my “game that’s sitting on the shelf for far too long without being played” game (the role Wingspan played for 2021) is going to either be Quacks of Quedlinberg or Everdell, still to be decided.
Oh, and Flamecraft is scheduled to ship in 2022. I hope they make it, and assume that if it does, that will definitely be one of the games that I want to see get to the table. 😎
2021 10×10 Progress Update
This is my second year for putting together a 10×10 for the year. If you are not familiar with that concept, it’s a list that I created at the beginning of the year that included ten games that I wanted to try to play at least ten times over the coming year. This year I included Pandemic (we had the goal of playing Pandemic Legacy finally) as well as Wingspan (a recently published / well received game that we had not yet tried) as well as a few others.
How am I doing?
I have completed several of my selected games, made minimal progress on others, but overall, here in the middle of December, I can say (with pleasure) that I have played over 100 games over the past twelve months. Were they all on my list? No. Did I enjoy them all? Yes. Did I learn some new games this year? Also yes.
That means while I have not yet finished my official 10×10 grid, the unofficial goal of playing at least 100 games has definitely been completed.
Heroes of the Aturi Cluster Original Archive
I started to save this privately, but decided to go ahead with a public post so I can share it. The original archive site for Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, one of the best things ever to happen to Star Wars X-Wing from Fantasy Flight Games, has expired. The original author has collected the materials in a drop box, available at the following link:
Beyond Chess Web Site Relaunched
I have written a couple of post about Beyond Chess, and the lack of information on the Internet. I received an email this morning that let me know that the web site has been relaunched!