Last year I did a 10×10 for the second time. Both times I felt a bit let down at the end. The first reason was I never managed to complete the 10 games I committed to play 10 times. The second reason was I knew I was playing more than 100 games during the year, and just wasn’t getting credit. This year I fixed that. 🙂 Instead of a 10×10 I created a 20×5 goal sheet. I listed twenty different games with the goal of playing each of them at least five times. It has been so much better!
I think the main reason I have enjoyed it more is the variety. Instead of looking at my list and thinking, “oh, wow, I have to play that game again?” I can look at my list and pick from twenty different options. I was also able to involve some other folks in the process. Specifically, I asked my younger son if there was a game he would like to play with me this year and he selected Chess. So yes, we’ve played that at least five times this year.
For example…last Fall I purchased the deluxe edition of Merchants of the Dark Road. It was a game that caught my eye at one of my favorite local game stores. I had read a bit about it and decided to buy the package that included the game, the expansion, the cloth bags, the sleeves, and (of course) the metal coins. I didn’t get it played last year so I put it on my list. I have played it six times so far, and I certainly enjoy it, but I’m glad I have other options instead of trying to play it four more times to finish out the year. Will I play it four more times? Possibly! But only if I want to, and not because I have to. A 10×10 (20×5) is supposed to be fun, not a chore.
Another “new to me” game that hit the table this year is Tekhenu. This game came out back in 2020. I bought a copy, then sold it when it was between print runs. Then I bought a used copy, and sold that. Then I bought another new copy and finally decided it was time to open it and play it. 🙂 I played it for the first time at BGG Spring 2022, and have played it four (actually five) more times since then. I am quite happy with my play count at that level. Would I play it again this year? Sure, I enjoy it. But with a 20×5 I can decide to play something else without feeling disappointed that I’ve missed my goal.
It did not take me long to realize that a 20×5 suits me better. I will be doing the same strategy going forward.
What else made my 20×5 this year? I carried over some old favorites like Wingspan and Cascadia and Azul. I added some games I just purchased this year like Bumúntú, Fae and Chai. I finally got to learn and play Everdell and Quacks of Quedlinburg. At the current time I have 19 games on my list (the 20th is a “to be named later” slot) and have played almost all of them five times. Here’s the actual list and status.
- Azul played 6 times
- Wingspan played 6 times
- Cascadia played 11 times
- Quacks of Quedlinburg played 19 times
- Merchants of the Dark Road played 6 times
- Tekhenu played 8 times
- Village played 6 times
- Chess played 8 times
- Scythe played 4 times
- Fae played 9 times
- Stone Age played 6 times
- Everdell played 4 times
- Bumúntú played 6 times
- Tsuro of the Seas played 5 times
- Whistle Stop played 5 times
- Chai played 9 times
- Downfall of Pompeii played 7 times
- Under Falling Skies played 5 times
- Dwellings of Eldervale played 3 times
- To Be Named Later!
So that’s it, that’s how my gaming year has gone so far. How about you? Do you do a 10×10? Do you like the idea of a 20×5 or not? Let me know in the comments. 😎