I have written a series of posts looking at the Board Game Geek (BGG) top 100 games, checking to see if I had the game in my collection and talking a little bit about each one, if I could. At the end of the first fifth games covered I owned 19 of them, for a 38% ownership rate. I also had one game that I formerly owned but had sold, so it didn’t get counted. Today I will cover games ranked from 50 up to 41.
For all posts in this series check for the BGG Top 100 tag.
50: 7 Wonders
Released 2010
One of the classic deck-building games! I own this one, even though I haven’t played it yet. I knew it was a classic example of the category and decided to make sure it was in my collection.
49: Android: Netrunner
Released 2012
Another classic deck-building game, but I already have Dominion and Netrunner is no longer being sold, so I left it out of my collection.
48: Anachrony
Released 2017
I think I have seen folks talking about this on the “solo” or “board games for one” groups, but I haven’t done anything to learn more about it. Don’t own it.
47: Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Islane
Released 2012
Speaking of solo games, this one is a modern classic! Thematic, brutal, challenging, entertaining…and yes, I own this, and no, I have not beaten it yet. There are several versions that have been released over the years; I have the next-to-latest version.
46: The Voyages of Marco Polo
Released 2015
From an island adventure (above) to a sea-faring adventure…but I don’t own this one, so next!
45: Azul
Released 2017
Not only do I own this one…not only have I played it…but I have played this more than ten times! This was one of my 10×10 challenge games for 2020, and we have definitely played it more than that.
44: Le Havre
Released 2008
Peer pressure, right? I bought this game after it was listed as one of Tom Vasel’s all-time favorite games. I liked the way he described it, so I added it to my “look for” list. I ended up getting a great deal on a pristine used copy and added it to my collection.
43: Eclipse
Released 2011
I almost owned this game! That doesn’t count though. I sat down at Half Price Books and counted every plastic ship and every card and every token to determine if the game they had was complete (it was) and then decided that since I already owned Star Trek Ascension I didn’t need another space exploration game. For now, I do not own this game.
42: Clans of Caledonia
Released 2017
Highly rated, but not something I currently own.
41: Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization
Released 2006
Don’t own it.
After such a good run last week (5 out of 10 games owned) I drop back slightly this week with only 4.
Games Mentioned: 60
Games Owned: 23 (38%)
Games Previously Owned: 1
After the first 60 games I own 23, which is 38%. I haven’t made any progress towards my 50% mark that I expected. In order to get 50% I will have to own 17 of the next 40 games on the list. Will I make it?