My wife and younger son sat and played a bunch of games with me last weekend. Each game only takes about ten minutes so it wasn’t a huge time committment, but the quality time was awesome!
I mentioned at the beginning of this post that I had initially picked only nine of my ten games. I wanted to leave one slot open for a new game that I might end up buying this year.
I love the fantasy genre. I have read fantasy novels for decades (Conan, Faffrd and the Mouser, Elric) and played Dungeons and Dragons before it was cool. 😎 A few weekends ago a gaming friend introduced me to Defenders of the Realm and that game quickly dropped into my final 10×10 Challenge spot. Why?
While the game has been around for a while (originally published in 2010) it was the first time I had been able to play it. The fantasy theme coupled with Pandemic-like mechanics made it an instant hit for me. I have already played it twice (once with a group, once solo) and enjoyed it immensely. I went to the game company web site and ordered all the parts. 😛 I’ll have another post with a First Impression of Defenders of the Realm coming up soon. For now, just know that it has filled up the final spot in my 10×10 Challenge for 2020.
We’re one third of the way through the year, and I’m 40% finished with my challenge. However I have a number of heavier games that still need attention. Will I make my goal for the year? Come back in three months for my next update. 😎
As promised my First Impression post for Defenders of the Realm is up now: