Yes, it’s another 3D printer game accessory topic. When will the madness end? Actually madness is a very real concern in Elder Sign as your investigator could potentially go insane. Or be devoured by the Ancient One. But at least with this cool game accessory you can go mad in style…
To play Elder Sign each player picks out an investigator which comes with a handy little — very little — token. The tokens are so small that half the battle of the game (well, the non-game part of the battle anyway) is finding your token on the cards laid out on the table. User Brendantang at Thingiverse has created a very functional, thematic and easy to print character stand for the game.
Here it is in action:
I printed mine in basic white filament, so it’s not quite finished yet. At the link above you can see one painted, and it looks awesome. I don’t think this is going to be difficult to paint. Once I have done mine, I’ll post the “after” picture to go with this one. As you can see there is a spot for your investigator token, and an ominous symbol on the area in front. That space is used for when you have locked a die for later use.
I’m really happy with the way these turned out, and look forward to having the time to paint them. Elder Sign is one of my wife’s favorite games, and this will make the in-game experience that much easier. Cthulhu would be proud.